This weekend The Magis Foundation was honored to participate in the Puerto Rico National Guard's Yellow Ribbon Event. During this event, a series of workshops and activities were offered to about 300 people- the troop leaving soon to Afghanistan and their family members. Between talks, laughs and tears, Magis was able to spend time with our heroes, giving support during the difficult process of deployment.
The topic presented by Magis was Separation Management, offered in different workshops: One for adults (soldiers and their partners and/or relatives), and another for their children in various age groups. This topic was selected to help our soldiers and their family members handle the upcoming separation effectively.
While talking to Magis' executive director, she commented: "I've been asked a lot if we're supporting the war by doing this, and the answer is 'NO'. Magis supports mental health for individuals and families. These are families that experience drastic changes, and live with a lot of anxiety and fear due to the risk their loved ones are exposed to. As a community we need to provide the necessary support to help these families move forward in a healthy and positive way".
Magis' participation with the Puerto Rico National Guard is part of a partnership effort spearheaded by Army OneSource in Puerto Rico, which seeks to bring together different communities and professionals within the areas of Mental Health, Finance, Legal and Spirituality, to further provide support to our soldiers and their families.
"Seeing a child crying because his father is leaving is heartbreaking; but seeing the other children in the group giving that child moral support and comfort highlights the human values that we must keep. It's imperative that we come together and copy this example." added Magis' founder and president.
If you would like to join this effort, please contact us! We need mental health professionals, finance professionals, family law attorneys and spiritual leaders. Call us today at 1-(504)-419-8428 or e-mail us at: